Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Hi Everyone!  I have been away for a while.  I have been excercising though.  And just to let you know, in the morning, in my birthday suit, I weigh about 200lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am happy about that. Looking back, its not a lot, but to me I am maintaining. 

But yall I have learned that I have an evil twin.  Her name is SweetThang.  She likes to eat sweets.  Anything sweet.  Cookies, candy, lately its been powdered donuts.  A whole bag.  She will eat sweets and not eat food.  She will eat sweets until her head is hurting and eyes are twitching.  Yes my eyes have been twitching and I think it is because of the sweets.  Or it could be from starring at a computer too much.  At any rate it is still  Ridiculous yall. 

The good thing is that I have picked back up on my activities.  I am hoping to join the Y next year and get a personal trainer.  I need to loose 30-45 lbs before the summer.  And keep it off.  I am open to suggestions.  Holla at me.